Universal Japan
The Flying Mimi Band, fronted by Izumi Kobayashi, has gained renewed recognition in the city pop scene in recent years, along with acclaim for her later collaborations with Masayoshi Takanashi and the music for the anime "Urusei Yatsura." This LP reissue features the band's funky and groovy second and final...
Asami Kado made her debut on September 5, 1979. She rarely appeared in the media, but her sophisticated music image was highly appreciated in the music scene at that time. In 1987, she released two albums produced by Yukihiro Takahashi. Her delicate voice is quietly fragrant under his production. This...
Asami Kado made her debut on September 5, 1979. She rarely appeared in the media, but her sophisticated music image was highly appreciated in the music scene at that time. In 1987, she released two albums produced by Yukihiro Takahashi. Her delicate voice is quietly fragrant under his production. The...
This is the third album by Sound Limited, also known as "Hidden Treasure". This gloss. This depth. Takeshi Inomata's jazz rock has entered a new dimension. Sound Limited, which was formed at the end of 1969, recorded three albums in quick succession in 1970, as if to reflect Takeshi Inomata's...
Experience the timelessness of the City Pop album released in 1979, featuring Junko Ohashi's captivating vocals and the refined performance of the second generation Minoya Central Station, now exclusively available on milky pink vinyl. Don't miss this re-release!...
Kimiko Kasai, celebrated for her illustrious jazz career collaborating with luminaries like Mal Waldron, Gil Evans, and Herbie Hancock, transitioned to Toshiba EMI in 1987. There, she unveiled an LP of electrifying Japanese electro-pop compositions. Taking charge of songwriting duties herself, Kasai delivers a mature and exotic vocal performance that...
53 years after his debut! The remastered popular works of Masayoshi Takanaka, one of Japan's leading super-guitarists, are now available on limited edition colored vinyl! Alex Wharton of Abbey Road Studios, London, has remastered and cut this can't miss album from the original master tapes of "SEYCHELLES," "TAKANAKA," "AN INSATIABLE...
Audiopile Review: Fishmans seemingly exist outside of time; while they garnered a cult following during their initial run of releases from 1991 until frontman Shinji Sato’s tragic and sudden passing in 1999, it wasn’t until decades later that the band fully began to receive the widespread appreciation they deserved. Thanks...
Yukako Hayase released her debut album on Sixty Records in 1986. Yasushi Akimoto handled the lyrics and production for all but one of her songs. With her laid-back voice, worldly-wise attitude, and European-inspired sound, this album has gained renewed appreciation in recent years for its ahead-of-its-time vibe....