With their unpredictable live performances and songs such as "Zurück zum Beton" and "Industriemädchen," S.Y.P.H. caused a ruckus at the end of the '70s -- as one of the bands that began to write lyrics in German around Düsseldorf's Ratinger Hof (German '70s punk club equivalent to CBGB's, where D.A.F....
With their unpredictable live performances and songs such as "Zurück zum Beton" and "Industriemädchen," S.Y.P.H. caused a ruckus at the end of the '70s -- as one of the bands that began to write lyrics in German around Düsseldorf's Ratinger Hof. Right from the start, the band broke with genre-conformist...
The Telescopes are an all-embracing concern that began in 1987, the only constant being sole composer/instigator, Northumbrian born Stephen Lawrie. The band's line-up is in constant flux, there can be anywhere between one and twenty members on a recording. The Telescopes were initially signed to Cheree Records then moved on...
The second release in Tapete's great series of radio sessions are the collected BBC recordings of Comet Gain, the rough diamond of the international pop underground, the indie punk Monkees, the noise pop collective Numero Uno! Radio Sessions BBC 1996 - 2011 contains three John Peel sessions from 1996 and...
The Telescopes have been described by the British music press as "more a revolution of the psyche than a revolution of the sidewalk"; a thread consistent throughout a body of work spanning over 30 years. The Telescopes have constantly pushed at their own boundaries to unravel new pathways of existence,...