fabric proudly announces its latest addition to the fabric mix series: "fabric Presents The Streets". This eagerly anticipated compilation marks a milestone in the illustrious history as we commemorate 25 years of ground breaking club nights and genre-defining mixes. The release is accompanied by original material from The Streets in...
Bonobo opens the 'fabric presents' series with his mix including 10 exclusives or unreleased tracks, including 2 from himself and another from his rare pop-up alias Barakas. Employing the multi-instrumental arrangements of his own work in this 74 minutes of house, techno, electronica and breakbeat, each track exudes character...
The mix features an introduction by Wesley Joseph and exclusive tracks from friends and collaborators Skee Mask, Or:la, Gaunt, Avon Blume and Ehua as well as the playful and energetic new track from Vynehall himself 'Sugar Slip (The Lick)'. Vynehall effortlessly traverses across genres from spoken word and ambient, to...
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