Blank Mind
Blank Mind presents three sublime versions of Big Hands’ ‘Girde Maye / Astere’ from Tammo Hesselink, Notte Infinita and Paperclip Minimiser - originally released on the Ossario EP in 2021. Though playful in nature, and not overtly political - the lyrics explore identity and geographical boundaries. As the artist explains...
A Paris resident of Minsk origin, Lina Filipovich’s ‘Music for an imaginary dancefloor’ explores the liminal space between club music and something altogether weirder, elusive, and abstract. Nervous, varied and amplified by various delays, the LP was written from improvisations on analogue synthesizers between June and December in 2022. Atonal...
Audiopile Review: Huuuuge new comp from the blessed souls over at Blank Mind, taking us on a deep dive into the cushier end of the breakneck strains of UK techno during its ascendent ’91-94 period. The producers here, most of them well kept secrets or favourites of the connoisseur, sprung...
It’s 6am on Sunday the 24th of January and I’m driving vaguely towards the beach. Suitcase in the water is a tapestry of musical vignettes, field recordings and fragmented anecdotes that blur diary and fiction. On Monday 23rd of March 2020, police in England dyed the ‘Buxton Blue Lagoon’ black...