First self-released in 2016, and created following the unique creative process brothers Mark and Clive Ives adopt when making music as Woo - tapping into their incredibly spacious musical archives, the pair select sounds that complement each other, then create new albums from them, overdubbing the existing tracks or even...
"Woo, the project of brothers Mark and Clive Ives, return to Palto Flats for the reissue of Into The Heart Of Love, originally released on cassette in 1990. Formed in the seventies in South London, the duo developed a cult following over the years, with renewed interest in their catalog...
"What is Woo? Woo are two - the brothers Mark and Clive Ives, who in the 1980s made a pair of addictively appealing yet largely unknown records. Their second, It's Cosy Inside, released in 1989, qualifies as some of the most electronic organic music ever made. We hearken back to...
Emboldened by the success of the recent reissue of It's Cosy Inside, Mark and Clive had a listen to hundreds of previously unreleased tracks recorded in the 70s and 80s to assemble their first new record in two decades, When The Past Arrives, out in March from Drag City /...