As I was reviewing V3’s cycle of works from early 1986 to the end of Roxanne Newman’s’ tenure in late 1991, I became increasingly flabbergasted at the band. At the time I just wasn’t paying attention to the writing and production. I was focused on trying to keep the balance...
As I was reviewing V3’s cycle of works from early 1986 to the end of Roxanne Newman’s’ tenure in late 1991, I became increasingly flabbergasted at the band. At the time I just wasn’t paying attention to the writing and production. I was focused on trying to keep the balance...
As I was reviewing V3’s cycle of works from early 1986 to the end of Roxanne Newman’s’ tenure in late 1991, I became increasingly flabbergasted at the band. At the time I just wasn’t paying attention to the writing and production. I was focused on trying to keep the balance...