Move D
Orange color vinyl version. Berlin party series and label AWAY Music continues its limited vinyl series called Reissued, dedicated to re-releasing iconic cuts from the vast collaborative catalog of Move D & Pete Namlook. The third installment Reissued 3, which follows the series' first two EPs from previous years, features...
Berlin party series and label AWAY Music continues its limited vinyl series called Reissued, dedicated to re-releasing iconic cuts from the vast collaborative catalog of Move D & Pete Namlook. The second installment, Reissued 2, which follows the series' inaugural EP from 2019 (AWAYLMTD 001EP), features again some exceptional pieces...
Originally released on CD in 1995. Mule Musiq dives into the archives of humanoid ambient music history, bringing the vinyl premiere of a masterwork by German DJ, producer, and musician David Moufang, globally known as Move D. Released in 1995 on Pete Namlook's fabled Fax +49-69/450464 label, the album marks...
The lost tracks -- unreleased material from Move D and Dman. Around the year 1990, a group of producers gathered regularly at a space called "Blaues Zimmer" (Blue Room), located at Bergheimer Strasse, Heidelberg. The Blue Room was the studio of Dirk Mantei aka Dman, and David Moufang (Move D)...