Hailing from Hiroshima, Meitei, unveils the final chapter of his transformative Kofū trilogy. “Kofū III” marks the apex of a musical journey that began in 2020, unraveling an introspective exploration of the artist's psyche while delving deep into the essence of Japanese culture. This latest release invites listeners into the...
Hiroshima-based artist Meitei announces the reissue of Kwaidan on the 5th anniversary of his groundbreaking debut album. A collaboration between 2 labels – KITCHEN. LABEL (Kofū I & II) and Evening Chants (Kwaidan), the reissue sees the highly anticipated special 5th Anniversary Edition of Kwaidan with two previously unreleased bonus...
Doubling the label’s tally after 7FO’s ‘Moment’ 2LP, ‘Komachi’ yields a more serene angle to Meitei’s music in 12 instrumental parts rippling with fleeting melodies, fringed by delicate location recordings, and arranged in a naturally time-slipping ebb and flow. While super pretty and functional as ambient scenery to immerse in,...
Meitei’s 2020 album 'Kofū' was the bold bookend to an expedition, where sounds were first navigated and then subverted in 2018’s 'Kwaidan' and 2019’s 'Komachi'. All three albums were Meitei’s attempt at immersive storytelling, reimagining moments of Japanese history he felt were being washed away – not least by the...
Special '2020 Edition' featuring brand new sleeve design, beautiful 140gm cream vinyl and a 12 page booklet with words in Japanese & English from Meitei. “Things fade into obscurity when a populace has no interest” - Meitei / 冥丁 Meitei considers himself an old soul, often preoccupied with the customs...
It began with ‘Kwaidan’, a simmering study on the lost art of Japanese ghost story-telling. Then there was ‘Komachi’, baptized in the earthly winds and static that define its comforting sonics. On ‘Kofū’, Meitei masterfully closes his trilogy of lost Japanese moods with an engaging interrogation of artforms and aesthetics...