In an era of rampant, man-made climate chaos, “solastalgia” (the longing and distress experienced by individuals as a response to environmental change/degradation) has emerged as a useful, semi-viral concept — a catch-all term for the pervasive sense that the world as we know it is far from well, and only...
Green-House's latest EP is a collection of unheard & rare recordings from 2021 & 2022. Imaginary department stores, Wendy Carlos-infused virtual classical, soundscape slices and bonus tracks are all situated radiantly along the spectrum of Solar Editions.
... $32.99
Gorgeous mood music for plantlife from Olive Ardizoni’s Green-House project, once again painting synth watercolours designed to facilitate the connection between humans and nature. Highly recommended for the good of yr health, especially if work by Ana Roxanne, Mort Garson, Plone, Raymond Scott, Pauline Anna Strom or Ami Dang has...
LA-based ambient artist Olive Ardizoni imagines a music to aid in opening communications between human and plant lifeforms. They’re from California; allow it. A must check for fans of Ana Roxanne, Ami Dang, massages, hugging trees (and smoking them). “Green-House is the project of Los Angeles based artist Olive Ardizoni....