Originally released in 2017, PHANTOM BRICKWORKS is an ongoing ambient/drone project by Stephen James Wilkinson a.k.a. Bibio. The work explores the human echoes still present in various sites around Britain. Wilkinson has visited these locations, observed their gradual decline, and responded with improvised and composed music. New in...
Ovals & Emeralds serves as a companion EP to Vignetting The Compost, releasing shortly after that album was released in 2009 on Mush. This marks its first ever physical release and arrives on emerald green vinyl....
Another album of rose-tinted nostalgia from Bibio, who've made a remarkably fertile career out of making the kind of music you'd hear buried at the bottom of Boards Of Canada records. The price they pay for their art is forever being condemned to reviews starting out exactly as this one...
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