London Is The Place For Me 2: Calypso & Kwela, Highlife & Jazz From Young Black London
Label: Honest Jon's
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“The honest jon’s mob revive the winning formula entertained on the first volume of “London is the place for me” for another letter of love to antique calypso, this time adding jazz, southern african kwela and highlife, into the brew. Seldom does music connect this directly, lyrically the calypsos should have you roaring – and there’s a prevalent post-war spirit of good times and humour throughout here – Young Tiger’s neat diss of the be-boppers by name opens up proceedings in excellent fashion. Visiting and resident musicians like E.T.Mensah, Shake Keane, joe harriott’s original compadre and the undisputed heavyweights Lords Kitchener and Beginner all figure in a compilation which is sure to be close by our decks for many a year to come.” -Boomkat