Label: Ilian Tape
Genre: Ambient, Electronic
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The tantalisingly brief sales notes to this release simply state “Enigmatic Delectable Oscillator Banquet”, but the fact it’s emerging on Germany’s Ilian Tape should tell you it’ll be a high quality, highly original affair. There’s plenty of variety on offer here too, from the static and stabs of ‘J8PUrsAIR’, like an ambient retort to Basic Channel’s ‘Phylyps Track’ and the Vangelis-style soaring of ‘M12 Apnea’, to the understated funk of ‘MalfuncJuno’, not a little reminiscent of Luke Vibert’s earliest work for Rephlex and Rising High. These affairs entirely constructed via electronics can be impersonal affairs, but despite being less than forthcoming with the biographical details, this has oodles of personality.