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Harvest (Copper Vinyl)


Format: LP

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Harvest is the first Balthvs album composed by all three band members and the name reflects where the band is currently. After 4 years of the industry grind they have seen massive growth in the digital sphere with over 15 million streams; as well as gracing theaters and festivals across North America and Europe. It is truly Harvest time. Recorded in a villa amidst lush tropical hills in Colombia, Harvest is optimistic, groovy, and relaxing. The trio spent a month-long sojourn at a tropical summer house in La Mesa, Colombia to record. As the band recalls, “More than a studio we wanted to be inspired by nature. So we brought our recording equipment there and started working.” The tropical landscape served as more than just a backdrop; it was the wellspring of inspiration for Balthvs. Unlike their previous albums, where Balthazar Aguirre took the lead in recording, composing, producing, and arranging, this time around, the music emerged as a collective effort, with all three members contributing equally to the creation of every song. It is a sonic testament to a period of profound artistic and personal growth.

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