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Harmony In Ultraviolet



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It’s a sign of creative maturity and marks a welcome move away from the Fennesz-style layered glitchscapes that have dominated his back-catalogue. It’s hard to tell exactly how these drone tapestries are woven together; the granular laptop trickery of old is virtually undetectable and the source instruments detuned and dissolved to the point of blissful obscurity.

Opening with the elegiac strains of ‘Rainbow Blood’, Hecker eases the listener into his melancholy new sound-world before launching into the curiously titled, ‘Stags, Aircraft, Kings and Secretaries’ with a flickering percussive urgency. Somewhere within the digital fog you can just about discern the occasional glisten of guitar strings.

Next up is ‘Chimeras’, its slow motion synth arpeggios providing a rare glimpse of overt melodicism, a property which, though ever-present on this album, tends to be restrained – even buried.

That said, filtered and faded as they may be, Hecker’s compositions always manage to reveal an emotive core beneath the static. You can understand why Kranky snapped up Tim Hecker: Harmony In Ultraviolet sits comfortably next to material by the likes of Keith Fullerton Whitman, Stars Of The Lid and Loscil, while retaining Hecker’s unmistakeable trademarks, that minor key grandeur atop relentless waves of crumbling sonic detritus.

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