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In Space




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Edith Frost breaks a very long silence with her first album since 2005! In Space revitalizes the timeless luminescence of her voice and songcraft with twelve new songs that take measure of isolation beyond the horizon of memory. Freezing time, then cracking it into crystalline shards, Edith discovers space everywhere she travels, within her and without her. A way-out country soul expression charting a heartening renewal of commitment and form. “Whenever someone comes in with a new album after a gap of years and years, it’s a trip. Over the past decade, O’Rourke, Papa M and David Berman (as Purple Mountains) all came in from their own double-digit stays in the wilderness—but Edith, she’s got ’em beat—a full twenty years! So it’s a relief and then a pleasure to hear her recommitting to songcraft and evolution on In Space—and I say that not just as her co-producer, but as a listener as well. A study in the creepy-crawlies of social-misfit isolation, In Space may be that sweet, rare bird—a ‘best-yet’ album some thirty years down the timeline.”—Rian Murphy

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